E-Shule ERP school management software consists of many modules that each make some of its feature’s work. Modules are independently designed but can work in an interconnected way. Since the requirements of each school are different, each school can choose the number of modules it needs in the particular software. Regardless of the choice, the school software can help any department of the school in which it is embedded. E-Shule ERP School Management system is also provided with a mobile application. This makes it easily accessible in remote places and easier to use, in general.
Our school management software is very useful for both students, parents, teachers & the entire school administration. This is because their features seep into every department of the school and reduce the workload of the teachers which in turn makes them free to focus on their students. The school software enhances the learning experiences of the students but keeps the human aspect of such experience intact.
The software features end up making the departments faster, more secure, and efficient. Following are some of the remarkable features for your schools;
Fee Collection & Management
Fee collection and management is a difficult task in almost all schools. As the school student body increases, the difficulty of fee management increases. Fee management in school software consists of checking the student’s prior fee dues and keeping track of payments from students. Much attention is invested in the security of such a system. E-Shule ERP allows parents to keep track of their school feed payments, invoices and installment through the mobile app and also enable schools to send fee alerts and updates to parents on time & effectively.
Admission Management
Admission is one of the heftier tasks in the school system. In traditional schools, almost all administration gets busy once the admission time begins. By integrating E-Shule ERP school management software, the admission system immediately becomes faster and more efficient. The admission system can also handle new inquiries and send them notifications when the seats are available. The admission forms are filled online and verification and storage of data are handled by the software. Admission management is one of the most important school software features for schools.
Attendance Management
The Attendance Management module is built specifically to handle student attendance, and this reduces the time spent on such activities. Teachers in the traditional school system spend a lot of time on roll calls and this is stressful to them. The attendance can be made automated by integrating biometric devices into the school system. The teachers need only to make sure that the attendance system is supervised. It is one of the most useful school software features for teachers. With E-Shule ERP schools can streamline student’s attendance & absenteeism that delivers real-time status updates & can also share this information with parents instantly.
HR & PayRoll Management
The staff information, salaries, leave & loan requests, performance & targets can now be managed in one organized manner. Traditionally, This is usually a tedious task and consumes a lot of time and energy. E- Shule ERP School management software comes with an HR management module that solves this problem. It maintains an accurate database of employee records from their date of joining to their eventual leaving or retirement. It is one of the most useful school software features for schools.
Student management features
The student records must be kept in each school and they become difficult to handle as the student body increases. E-Shule ERP can be fed the details of the students by teachers and administration staff. It takes care of sorting the raw details into a customized and easy-to-read format and stores them into the student database.
Error-free time table
The teachers usually are tasked to collaborate with each other and create a timetable suitable to all classes in a school. The school management system can be responsible to create the same timetable. It will do so more efficiently and errors in this approach will be less. The error-free nature of the timetable makes it easier for teachers to focus on their work without distractions.
Grade Book Management
Teachers can be stressed after examinations since they have burdened with student marks entry. E-Shule ERP helps the teachers with marks calculation and entry and prepare the grade book. It only requires little supervision on the part of the teachers and can handle a lot more work than the teachers can.
Fast and secure communication
Efficient communication is the key to the growth of the school. Its important to ensure accurately & effective communication between parents, teachers, school administration and all stakeholders. E-Shule ERP provides effective tools such as Bulk SMS and Live Chat on the Mobile App to ensure every stakeholder is informed and communication has made easy, effective and costless between each part.
School management software features are incredibly helpful to both teachers and the school system in general. The school and its administration are helped by efficient data handling by the software. The teachers are helped by reducing or eliminating unnecessary work completely. The features are also helpful for parents who wish to send their children to these schools. E-Shule ERP is the best school management system that has software features suited both to teachers and schools. It is enterprise-level software that can operate even on a multi-school level. Many schools in Tanzania are using E- Shule ERP to increase school efficiency.